How to White Label WordPress Login and Dashboard
Today we are going to show you how to easily white label WordPress. Even after working with WordPress for a while, many people are still surprised to learn that the backend of their website is just as customizable as the front.
We generally sell WordPress websites on the basis that it is simple and user-friendly. We feel the WordPress admin area has been lacking in the client handover process. Let’s say you’ve made a fantastic website and taken care of your client the whole way through. You hand them the login details and they’re greeted with a foreign logo and a ton of unfamiliar options. We tend to give all of our client’s training on their new website but still, they can feel very overwhelmed. The goal of this article is to solve that by white labeling and simplifying the WordPress dashboard.
What does it mean to White Label WordPress?
WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. However, many people still don’t know about it. When working on a client project, it is possible that they are not familiar with WordPress.
Clients are interested in an easy way to update their website and get help when they need it. They don’t want to struggle with themes, plugins, updates, security, and learning how to use a powerful software like WordPress.
When you white label WordPress, it allows you to customize the WordPress admin area. You can replace the default WordPress branding with your own or your clients branding and hide unnecessary items to create a more streamlined interface for your clients or users.
What are the benefits when you White Label WordPress?
White label is all about ensuring your site is fully branded. From the frontend to the backend, your site should reflect your business and the image you want to put out there in the word.
“But no one ever sees the backend of the website? What is the point!?”
Sound like you? If it does, that’s okay. We completely understand, but sometimes doing a little extra work to make the operations surrounding your site more streamlined, more effective, and more personalized can have a dramatic impact on your appearance to your clients and can leave a positive impact.
Here are a few things it can do for you when you white label WordPress:
Reduce Confusing For Clients –
When you build a new website for a client and they log into their new website for the first time and they see WordPress everywhere, it can be very confusing if they have never heard of WordPress before. After all, they thought they were doing business with your company.
It would make a lot more sense to your clients or users if the footer of their dashboard noted that the site was designed by you wouldn’t it? Because the last thing you want is to get an email at 1 a.m. from your client asking, “What is WordPress? I didn’t sign up for that!”
Increase A Sense Of Professionalism –
At the heart, when you white label WordPres it is all about branding. It’s about making your mark. A solid brand reputation stands to be perceived as more professional and more put-together than on that’s a bit all over the place.
Offer Additional Support
One of the best things when you white label a WordPress website is the ability to add links, contact forms, and resources to additional documentation and support in the WordPress dashboard.
Simplify The WordPress Dashboard
The WordPress dashboard by default can be overwhelming to anyone, ever some of those who have work with WordPress for years. Having the ability to limit your clients restrictions of what it shown to them when they log into their website can greatly simplify their experience, and reduce the amount of time you may need to answer all their many questions.
How to White Label WordPress
Now that we have gone through what it means to white label WordPress and some of its benefits, let’s get started on learning how to white label WordPress and applying it to your own website.
To get started, we first need to install the plugin Ultimate Client Dash. You can find it through your WordPress dashboard. Just search for Ultimate Client Dash created by WP Codeus. You can also download the plugin using the link below.

Download Ultimate Client Dash
You can download Ultimate Client Dash for free on the offical WordPress Plugin Repository
After you’ve installed and activated Ultimate Client Dash, you will see the Ultimate Client menu name in the WordPress Dashboard side menu. Don’t worry, only site administrators can see it!
White Label WordPress Login Page
Let’s Navigate to the Login Page tab and take a look at the settings.

When you give your client their login details to their website, they will be greeted by a big WordPress logo on a blank background. This may look foreign to them because they were probably expecting to see your company logo or their own. Ultimate Client Dash’s goal is to make the client or users feel right at home.
The Login Page tab will allow you to customize the login page. You can upload your own logo (or your client’s logo if you prefer), which will replace the default WordPress logo on the login page. You can also change the background color, image, and even add an overlay to the background image. This allows you to fully customize the login page your client or users see when they log in.
You will also see additional options like changing the WordPress login logo URL and login logo title, hiding the forgot password link and back to main site link, and adding custom text to the login page footer.


White Label branding the WordPress login page is that easy with Ultimate Client Dash. By adding your own custom logo, background image, color, and text, the customization is endless!
White Label WordPress Dashboard
Now we can take white label branding another step further by customizing the WordPress dashboard your clients see once logged in. To get started, let’s navigate over to the Admin tab in the Ultimate Client Dash settings.

The first section you get greeted with is the Theme section. This allows you to enable Ultimate Client Dash’s modern theme that will transform the traditional boring WordPress dashboard, to a modern look and feel that you can customize with your brand colors.

Modern Theme Enabled

In the next sections, we can customize is the Admin Top Bar and Admin Menu. With the Admin Top Bar section you can change the color scheme, customize the “Howdy” text for your clients, and hide links in the Admin Top Bar like Updates, Comments, and the Add New menu.
For the Admin Menu section you can fully transform the WordPress dashboard by changing the entire colors scheme of the admin area to match your branding or your clients branding colors.

If you scroll down a little bit further on the Admin tab you will see an Extra Settings section which also has some very useful options.
These options help you white label WordPress by removing the WordPress reference in the Admin Bar and Dashboard Footer. If you would like you can also hide the WordPress version and add your own Footer text.

Create Custom WordPress Dashboard Widgets
The Widget tab in Ultimate Client Dash allows you to hide default WordPress widgets to simplify the WordPress dashboard for your clients. You can also customize the format in which the widgets display in.
Not only can you hide the default WordPress widgets, but you can also create your own custom WordPress dashboard widgets using the WYSIWYG editor. If you would like, you also have the option to add a shortcode to your custom WordPress dashboard widgets. This allows you to add things like a contact form, or any PHP custom shortcode you create.

Client WordPress Roles and Capabilities
Sometimes when you have a client or users who are not the most tech-savvy, it is probably best to control their capabilities on their website to prevent them from breaking things and causing a headache.
The Client Control tab in Ultimate Client Dash makes it easy to select the capabilities your client should be allowed to access and see in the Dashboard menu. To utilize this feature, simply assign your client the user role “Client” and select the capabilities you would like them to have.

Add Tracking and Custom Code to Website
Now that you have gone through and customized pretty much every aspect of the WordPress Dashboard, if you still find yourself wanting to edit more, you can head over to the Tracking/Custom Code tab in Ultimate Client Dash and add your own CSS and Scripts the frontend and backend of the website.
Here you can also add your tracking information like Google Analytics and a Facebook Pixel. By adding your Custom Code to Ultimate Client Dash it allows you to keep all the information in one location, and not worry about losing your custom code when you update your WordPress themes or plugins.

You made it! Congratulations on your first White Label WordPress setup!
We hope you enjoy using Ultimate Client Dash. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggest features you would like to see in the next update.
Is Ultimate Client Dash helping your business? We would love to feature your business in our blog. Stay tuned for more developer updates.

Download Ultimate Client Dash
You can download Ultimate Client Dash for free on the offical WordPress Plugin Repository