WordPress Proposal Plugin To Create Professional Online Proposals – WP Proposals
In this article, we are going to talk about a WordPress proposal plugin called WP Proposals that allows you to create professional online proposals.
Creating a proposal can be very stressful and time-consuming. You know, when you have a potential client that wants more information, your process, or maybe even pricing… you rush to create an email or invoice that you think is all they need to hire you.
Emails and invoices sometimes work… sometimes. They have the potential to land you small projects, but if you want to go for the big fish that wants things like a custom website, theme, or plugin development, then let’s face it, that is not enough. Those clients that are making large investments in larger projects expect to know more than just your price and timeline.
Here is where a professional template and detailed proposal can help. Detailed proposals help clients understand your services better. In a way, clients look to evaluate your overall deliverability for a project through your proposal.
WP Proposals
This is where the WordPress plugin WP Proposals comes into play. WP Proposals allows you quickly and easily create a stunning professional online proposal that will help you and your sales team land dream deals. No more sending email proposals or creating PDF’s using InDesign!
WP Proposals revolutionizes your ability to create stunning online proposals directly from your WordPress dashboard. Giving you the competitive edge allowing your sales team to streamline the proposal and invoicing process all within your current WordPress install.
Customize to match your brand and style
We know how important your companies brand and image is to you. That’s why when we built WP Proposals we made sure to give you the ability to completely brand and style your proposals to your needs.
Gone are the days of spending hours and hours in Photoshop or Indesign. WP Proposals allows any team member to add your own branding and content in minutes. Unlike other proposal software on the market, you no longer need to pay extra to add your own logo or domain.

Monitor proposal views and follow up
Waiting to hear back after you send a proposal can be agony. WP Proposals allows you to keep track of how many times your client views your proposals, and most importantly notifies you when they have accepted it!
View counts are also a great way to determine when and if you should send a follow up email. Follow up emails are a great way to show your clients that you care and most important to not allow them to forget about you.

Send and receive proposal notifications
WP Proposals allows you to send branded and templated emails to your client to view their proposal online. This is just another tool to give you and your business a competitive edge over your competition.
WP Proposals will also notify you when a proposal has been approved by whom, when, and for how much. Want your whole sales team to be notified? Not a problem there is an option for that too!

Download the WordPress Proposal Plugin – WP Proposals
To get started, we first need to install the plugin WP Proposals. You can find it through your WordPress dashboard. Just search for WP Proposals created by WP Codeus. You can also download the plugin using the link below.

Download WP Proposals
You can download WP Proposals for free on the official WordPress Plugin Repository
Getting started with WP Proposals
Now that you have successfully downloaded WP Proposals, you will get a notification that will direct you to the general settings page. The first section under general settings will be ‘Company Details’. Add your companies name, logos, about information, and terms of conditions if you wish to display them on your WordPress proposals.

Customize Email Settings
Our WordPress proposal plugin WP Proposals allows you to send branded templated emails providing your clients a link to view their proposal. This is just another tool to give you and your business a competitive edge over your competition.
You can customize the email, subject, and default text from the general settings page. You can also assign custom tailed subjects and messages for each client and proposal on the edit proposal page.
The ‘Approval Notification’ section allows you to change the default confirmation message when your client e-signs the proposal. The ‘Send to Email’ and ‘From Email’ controls who receives the email notification within your company that your client approved your proposal. By default, WP Proposals uses the WordPress admin email address.

Customize and Brand your WordPress Proposals
If you wish to customize and brand your WordPress proposals to match your companies color and website, you can do so under the ‘Design Settings’ page.

Creating a WordPress Proposal
Now that you’re satisfied with the information and design of your proposals, it’s time to create your first proposal and start winning more projects!
From the WordPress dashboard hover over ‘WP Proposals’ and select ‘Create Proposal’.
If you have ever created a post before in WordPress then you will easily be able to create a proposal.
Simply enter in the proposal name and select a client you want to assign to the proposal.
Adding New Clients
If you haven’t created any clients yet, you can add new clients by navigating to the ‘Clients’ submenu item. Once you have your client created you will be able to assign that client to the WordPress proposal.
Proposal Introduction
The proposal introduction content simply introduces your proposal and showcases your interest in working with the client.
If you wish you just add a simple introduction to your proposal you can add the text directly into the content editor.
The content editor also allows you to create custom sections in your proposal by using any page builder like Elementor or Visual Composer. To make the content editor full width in your proposal navigate to the ‘Design Settings’ and toggle on ‘Content Editor Full Width’ under Layout.
Scope of Services
The scope of services outlines what’s included in the project. For example, a website design and development project, the scope could look like:
- Research
- Design
- Development
Add each scope item with a brief description of each item so your client can understand what each service consist of.
The timeline part of the proposal tells the client how you plan on delivering the work and when.
The investment section tells the client how much their project is going to cost. The pricing items feature allows you to create an itemized breakdown of each service and will auto calculate the total.
Sending the Proposal
Once you have published your proposal you’re now ready to send it off to your client! WP Proposal allows you to send a templated email directly from your WordPress dashboard.
If you client approves your prosal your client will get a custom confirmation message. WP Proposals will also notify you by email with the exact time, date, and amount your client signed for.
We hope you enjoyed our article ‘WordPress Proposal Plugin To Create Professional Online Proposals’ and WP Proposals useful. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggested features you would like to see in the next upcoming updates.
If WP Proposals helping your business? We would love to feature your business in our blog!

Download WP Proposals
You can download WP Proposals for free on the official WordPress Plugin Repository